How to Use above the fray in a Sentence
above the fray
For most of the race, Hunter tried to stay above the fray.
—Matt Sledge,, 3 Nov. 2020
The dollar remains firmly on its pedestal, well above the fray.
—Eswar Prasad, Foreign Affairs, 18 June 2024
The boulder leans to the right, bullying a thin slab of green; at the back a large wedge of bright red remains above the fray.
—Roberta Smith, New York Times, 14 Sep. 2023
Publicly, Nixon ran a smart campaign, seeming to stay above the fray.
—Ted Widmer, WSJ, 5 Nov. 2022
As Rocky did at first with Lang, DeSantis has tried to remain above the fray.
—Dean Obeidallah, CNN, 29 Jan. 2023
Golf likes to hold itself up as a game of high integrity and morals, somehow above the fray.
—Ron Kroichick, San Francisco Chronicle, 8 June 2022
Even assets that can fly can’t always keep above the fray of a fragmenting world.
—Jon Sindreu, WSJ, 26 Mar. 2022
But even if his sector is demanding, Huang is trying to stay above the fray.
—Bychloe Berger, Fortune, 23 May 2024
As Warnock tried to stay above the fray, Walker’s campaign careened through a series of scandals.
—Shannon McCaffrey, Anchorage Daily News, 9 Nov. 2022
Even so, Zelensky managed to stay somewhat above the fray.
—Siobhán O'Grady, Washington Post, 16 Dec. 2023
The third candidate onstage, physician Duane Wooten, largely stayed above the fray.
—Laura Gersony, The Arizona Republic, 22 May 2024
But Medvedev, 25 and with just one major title to his name, also has the luxury of remaining above the fray.
—New York Times, 28 Jan. 2022
Aside from a few gymnastics, swimming, and track events, few competitions were able to move above the fray.
—Angela Watercutter, WIRED, 6 Aug. 2021
As the song wraps, a woman’s voice rises above the fray, an angry mob surrounding the rapper, hands banging on the Bentley.
—John Arterbury, Rolling Stone, 17 Mar. 2022
And, even more impressive in a country where the political red/blue divide seems omnipresent, the NFL seems to float above the fray.
—Dante Chinni, NBC News, 12 Feb. 2023
But while the other hopefuls battled for second-place Wu, the front-runner, stayed more or less above the fray, taking little fire.
—, 17 Oct. 2021
Schiff went into the debate attempting to stay above the fray and avoid attacks from the candidates scrambling for second place.
—Benjamin Oreskes, Los Angeles Times, 23 Jan. 2024
Meditation gets you to listen to the noise, observe the onslaught without judgement, hold yourself above the fray.
—Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, Forbes, 8 May 2021
Always stay above the fray during board elections – keep to yourself your opinions about who is (or would be) good or bad directors.
—Kelly G. Richardson, Orange County Register, 31 May 2024
Always stay above the fray during board elections — keep your opinions to yourself about who is (or would be) good or bad directors.
—Kelly G. Richardson, San Diego Union-Tribune, 1 June 2024
But this is also the type of project that manages to lift itself up above the fray by sheer will and chops, not to mention its determination to scratch a throwback-genre itch.
—David Fear, Rolling Stone, 11 Aug. 2023
While space activities might seem literally above the fray, that’s not truly the case.
—Ramin Skibba, Wired, 4 Mar. 2022
Part of his appeal was seeming to be above the fray, not entirely aligned with this or that party, but a person who was called to serve, who served in the public interest.
—Isaac Chotiner, The New Yorker, 28 Sep. 2022
In his speech on Thursday, the President needs to stay above the fray and make clear that his comments are not about partisan gain but repairing the democracy.
—Julian Zelizer, CNN, 1 Sep. 2022
Though the former vice president tried to stay above the fray and on message, the onslaught frustrated and angered Biden, much like the tens of millions of people watching at home.
—Joey Morona, cleveland, 30 Sep. 2020
Our final entry is with the season 15 champion found a way to stay above the fray while pitting alliance members against each other.
—Dalton Ross,, 3 July 2022
Higher education leaders have tried stay above the fray.
—Alia Wong, USA TODAY, 14 Apr. 2023
In the midst of weekend reporting about the status of coronavirus and its potential to shut down the major college football season, a set of two tweets stood out above the fray.
—Randy Johnson, Star Tribune, 11 Aug. 2020
Schulz has largely tried so far to stay above the fray of the fissures that have divided her party on a national level, rarely even mentioning Cox by name.
—Rebecca Tan, Washington Post, 7 July 2022
Harari sits above the fray of Silicon Valley politicking.
—Daniel Immerwahr, The Atlantic, 6 Sep. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'above the fray.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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